Clanul Limbii Romane
Date Owner Player Action
04.11.2023 16:34 RaulRevine RaulRevine Left the clan
14.10.2023 13:42 Schweppes. rpg2_AlexDinica. Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2023 11:51 Nicolae.Adrian Schweppes. Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2023 11:46 NicoIae Nicolae.Adrian Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2023 11:45 NicoIae Nicolae.Adrian Joined the clan
06.09.2023 11:45 NicoIae FanSQW Left the clan
06.09.2023 11:43 FanSQW NicoIae Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2023 11:42 FanSQW NicoIae Joined the clan
06.09.2023 11:41 rpg2_FanSQW FanSQW Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2023 11:41 rpg2_FanSQW FanSQW Joined the clan
06.09.2023 11:39 Schweppes. rpg2_FanSQW Promoted to clan owner
22.08.2023 23:33 Schweppes. Vleydid Joined the clan
04.07.2023 18:35 Schweppes. Ianissel Joined the clan
02.07.2023 20:43 102.KiaStyle 102.KiaStyle Left the clan
13.03.2023 18:52 Schweppes. rpg2_Voda.TopG Got rank 5